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Budget: CORS

CORS Budget FAQs

Period of performance and funding periods

The anticipated period of performance for CORS programs is May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. This period of performance will include two funding periods:

  • Funding Period 1: May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 (2 months)
  • Funding Period 2: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 (12 months)

Funding must be requested for each period. These periods are identified in the budget workbook as “FP 1” and “FP 2.” Each table has separate columns for each funding period.

Using the budget workbook template

The workbook is protected, which means information can be entered only into certain cells. Unless noted otherwise, these cells are white. Each table has columns that automatically calculate totals based on the information entered. Worksheet (c), Budget Summary, totals the information entered on Worksheets 1–11.

About the Budget Workbook

As noted in Section I. Mandatory Forms of the NOFO:

Subrecipients must use the Budget Workbook Template to submit their project budget and advance payment request.

The budget and narrative must tie fiscal activity to program objectives and deliverables and must demonstrate that all proposed costs are reasonable and necessary, allocable, and allowable as defined by program regulatory requirements and Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200), as applicable.

Verification of final approved budgets will be required by either the Chief Executive Officer (or equivalent) or Chief Financial Officer (or equivalent) for the entity. The executive must certify that their entity complies with the requirements set forth in 2 CFR 200.302 (Financial Management) and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120(b)(i)(A) (Advance Payments).

The following worksheets are included in the budget workbook.

Information and Summary Worksheets

(a) Index

The first tab of the workbook includes a linked list of all tables within the workbook. Use the list as a reference, and use the links to navigate between tables.

(b) Applicant Information Table

The Applicant Information table asks for basic information about the organization. Enter contact details, payment method preference, and indirect cost election information.

(c) Budget Summary Calculated Table

The Budget Summary table automatically calculates totals, by funding year, of the information entered in the proposed budget tables (1–11). However, cells B14 and C14 may be manually entered if the total direct costs are different than a sum of the totals on Tables 1–10. If this is the case, provide an explanation for this calculation in the budget narrative.

Proposed Budget Worksheets

The Proposed Budget worksheets are numbered 1-13. For additional guidance on entering appropriate costs, see the State of Illinois Uniform Grant Budget Template. The following table details and instructions summarize the information included on the Index tab of the workbook.

1. Personnel

The Personnel table includes salaries and wages charged to the grant (200.430). List each position by title, name of employee (if available), salary rate, total percentage of time to be devoted to the project, and length of time they will be employed by the organization. Additionally, enter the percentage of their time each employee will spend on each task.

2. Fringe Benefits

The Fringe Benefits table includes benefits provided in excess of wages (200.431). Provide fringe base and rate information for each position. Columns A, B, and E should automatically populate from the Personnel worksheet. However, you may type over these columns if the worksheet does not populate appropriately.

3. Travel

The Travel table includes travel to and from relevant professional development conferences and meetings (200.474). List who will be traveling, estimated cost, basis, and quantity or duration of the item.

4. Equipment

The Equipment table includes property worth more than $5,000 that has a useful life of more than one year (200.439). List each item of equipment and estimated cost.

5. Supplies

The Supplies table includes materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project (200.94). List the supplies by type (office supplies, postage, training materials, copying paper, and other expendable items such as books) and show the basis for computation.

6. Contractual Services

The Contractual Services table includes property or services obtained by contract to carry out the project or program (200.318 and 200.92). List the service to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost.

7. Consultant Services and Expenses

The Consultant Services and Expenses table includes fees and travel costs for persons providing professional services (200.459). Enter the name (if known), service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time to be spent on the project.

8. Occupancy (Rent and Utilities)

The Occupancy table includes rent and utilities based on percentage of operating costs (200.465). List items and descriptions by major type and the basis of the computation.

9. Training and Education

The Training and Education table includes rental space and materials for training activities (200.472). Enter needs related to training activities to be delivered (not subject to application of indirect costs).

10. Grant-Specific Line item – Recovery Supports Supplies

The Recovery Supports Supplies table includes supplies specific to Optional Task 5-O: Recovery Supports (200.94). List the supplies needed to provide recovery support services, including but not limited to basic needs supplies, transportation support, and caregiving support. Note: The total project time allocated to this task across all budget categories may not total more than 20% of the total funding request.

11. Total Indirect Costs

The Total Indirect Costs table includes indirect costs per NICRA rates or de minimis (10%). See 200.413 for definition of direct costs, 200.405 for definition of allocable costs, and 200.414 for definition of indirect costs. Enter base rate to calculate indirect costs. If de minimis is selected, submit documentation on the calculation of MTDC within your Program Narrative under Total Indirect Costs.

12. Program Narrative

Provide details and justify why each line item requested within the proposed budget tables are needed to accomplish the scope of work.

13. Advance Payment Request Cash Budget

Requests for advance payment must be accompanied by an Advance Payment Request Cash Budget (Cash Budget) inclusive of each funding period if the preferred payment method selected is either Advance Payment and Reconcile or Working Capital Advance Method.

The Cash Budget must demonstrate the estimated monthly cash requirements for each month of the program grant term. Advance payments must be limited to the minimum amounts needed and must be timed to be in accordance with the actual, immediate cash requirements of the grantee in carrying out the purpose of the approved program or project. The timing and amount of advance payments must be as close as is administratively feasible to the actual disbursements by the grantee for direct program or project costs and the proportionate share of any allowable indirect costs. Additionally, the grantee entity must make timely payment to subrecipients and contractors.