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Questions and Answers

The following table answers general questions received about the NOFO and NOFO process.
1. Application
1.1Should I register as an individual or an organization?Please register as an individual.
1.2Can more than one person complete the application?Yes. Collaborators can be added to the application process.
1.3Will I receive an email notification when my application is submitted?Yes. If you do not receive this email, please ensure the entire application was completed. In addition to completing each section, the entire application must be submitted. If you do cannot find this email, please contact the help desk.
2.1Who are the SME's that write the NOFOs?The SMEs that write the NOFOs are individuals at Advocates for Human Potential who have demonstrated expertise and knowledge on the topic/initiative being funded, including the services that will be funded through the NOFO. These SMEs include individuals with diverse backgrounds who live in Illinois and are familiar with Illinois’ SUD prevention, treatment and recovery systems, and some are people with lived experience. SUPR also provides SMEs that draft the original statement of work that is then used to construct the NOFOs.

3. Reviews
3.1Will I be notified if there is a problem with my application?During the prequalification process, applications are reviewed for completeness and eligibility to determine whether they will be considered for funding. You will be notified if your application does not meet those criteria. However, once submitted, no further changes can be made to the application.
3.2Who is on the selection committee for each NOFO?The review committee includes, at a minimum, three individuals who are SMEs on the topic
area, and/or are people with lived experience.
4. Awards
4.1Can an entity be awarded multiple awards? As in, applying for two different NOFOs and receiving an award for both. Yes, an entity can apply for and, if eligible and has the capacity to fulfill the requirements of each, may be awarded more than one award.
The following table includes questions asked regarding the Intramuscular Naloxone Distribution Hub (IMNH) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Questions and answers will be updated each Friday afternoon during the application period.
Date Updated
1Please note, the budget workbook was updated 2/20/2024.
2Can applicants work for federal government?Per Section C.1. of the NOFO, applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois and meet the other requirements defined in that section.
3The timelines seem unrealistic. Is there any flexibility?Please develop a work plan that would be realistic for you to implement the work.
4USPS does not allow anyone other than a pharmacist to ship naloxone through the mail as it's federally classified as a controlled substance and requires a prescription (despite the standing order). Moreover, USPS has restrictions on shipping needles. What mailing method for injection kits is this NOFO alluding to? Distribution of naloxone should be handled in accordance with the requirements of Illinois state law. More information is available at the following link: